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Today we have Professor Tim Noakes and I gotta say I was so excited to interview such a highly respected and world renowned scientist and researcher.
He has published more than 750 scientific books and articles. He has been cited more than 16,000 times in scientific literature and has been rated an A1 scientist for a second 5-year term. He founded the Noakes Foundation which does critical research on these new dietary approaches and helps underserved communities eat better. He’s changing million of people’s lives in South Africa and the world as one of the biggest voices in the low-carb high fat movement.
Please listen to his story because it’s very important. He was in great shape his whole life as an ultra endurance athlete and marathoner yet still developed type 2 diabetes. You can be thin and fit and still be damaging your body with a high carb diet that athletes believe is necessary. So please take a listen to his words of wisdom.
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Show notes
How Professor Noakes got started with his career
Los Angeles played a role!
Accepting the high carb dogma
Lore of Running https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/112160.Lore_of_Running
Waterlogged - you don’t actually need a bunch of waterhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/14537326-waterlogged
Placebo controlled study on carbs show they have no effect on performance
A new Atkins for a new you shakes up his worldhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7158682-the-new-atkins-for-a-new-you
He’s reversed his type 2 diabetes as of 2 months ago
Challenging your beliefs
Ripping out pages of the Lore of Running
His father’s diabetes
Michael Phelps eating 12,000 calories per day
Being a thin athlete and still causing damage to your body with all the carbs
What is insulin resistance?
Doctors not knowing if their insulin resistant or doing insulin tests
I didn’t see much low-fat messaging when filming at a grocery store
Why should I use full-fat cream in coffee instead of skim milk?
Won’t I die of heart disease if I eat a bunch of saturated fat from red meat?
Is cholesterol bad for you?
I thought we should all be eating a bunch of heart-healthy grains?
Ok but whole grains have to be good for me right?
Where’s the evidence that we need a bunch of fiber? Kelloggs pushed his cereal and started this message
Before around 1959 it was common knowledge that carbohydrates made you fat
Meat was prized for all of history
Ancel Keys and the saturated fat myth
Nina Teicholz The Big Fat Surprisehttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16130316-the-big-fat-surprise
Sugar industry paying of scientists NY times article
The tweet heard around the world - the trial of Professor Tim Noakeshttp://foodmed.net/the-noakes-trial/
Real Meal Revolution https://realmealrevolution.com/
Colluding dieticians
Promoting real food
Back to normal life
The Noakes Foundation http://thenoakesfoundation.org/
Nutrition Network launched May 1
Updating Lore of Running
Brain regulates athletic performance
Carb burning athletes are so reliant on sugar every hour or two
Fat adapted runners
Real Meal Revolution free resourceshttp://go.realmealrevolution.com/banting20lists
What would happen if the whole world went LCHF?
Preorder the film here: http://indiegogo.com/projects/food-lies-post
Film site: http://FoodLies.org
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FoodLies
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Theme music by https://kylewardmusic.com/