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Ivor Cummins on Changing the Cholesterol Narrative


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Hello everyone! Wanted to do an update on the Food Lies film: we’re shooting at low carb USA in San Diego in a couple weeks with Ivor and a couple other doctors, including the preeminent researcher in this field (along with Dr. Steve Phinney) Dr. Jeff Volek who’s studies are actually mentioned a few times in this episode. Really excited about this shoot and our next one at conference in Ohio next month.

Also really excited that we’re 34% funded on Indiegogo - there’s been a huge surge recently so I want to thank everyone who’s been contributing. I want to say the film is happening no matter what. I’ll pay for it myself if I have to. So please support it -

This is really important to me. I’m not some rich guy like Pete Evans who made The magic Pill. I’m a guy living on some money i saved up so that I could take time off to make this film, just trying to scrape by. My friends think I’m crazy. So tell a friend about it if you can’t contribute yourself or already have. Thanks so much.

Now on to this episode. Ivor Cummins is a sharp Irish gent. He’s a chemical engineer by trade and his specialty is leading teams in complex problem solving scenarios. This background helped him to really dive deep into cholesterol while also being unencumbered by the outdated mainstream views of the substance. He’s gone over 3,000 studies on cholesterol and made some amazing realizations. He now travels around the world speaking on this to help doctors and laypeople understand the new data and updated science.

I did link to some of the graphs he will mention - they’re pretty compelling - here's the link:

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Show Notes

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